Busted: 5 Myths About Commercial Composting

food scraps next to a compost

Composting has gained more popularity in recent years as more of us have realized the benefits of keeping our food waste out of the landfills. Though not yet as ubiquitous as recycling, composting is becoming more commonplace from corporate office buildings to our kitchen counters.

Composting at work not only helps reduce your company’s carbon footprint, it can also go a long way in boosting employee morale and signal to your clients and community your commitment to sustainability.

An easy inroad for companies to begin composting is to use a composting service. Here are 5 common myths about composting that using a service will quickly dispel.

Myth #1:

Composting Is Complicated

Getting started with composting in the workplace is too involved and complicated. Between acquiring supplies like the proper size bin, training the staff, and managing its implementation from week to week, it’s just too much extra work.

Using a composting service makes all of these concerns simple and streamlined by offering turnkey solutions. At Moonshot Compost, we make it easy throughout every step of the process, from determining the number of bins needed and the frequency of collection, to training your staff and collecting the waste. We can even deliver reports on your diverted waste for you to have for your records.

Myth #2:

Composting Takes Up a Lot of Space

Myth: Having all those extra bins takes up too much space.

Busted: When you use a commercial composting service, you can take the guesswork out of the issue of storage space. Moonshot will properly size the number of bins your company needs as well as the frequency of the pickups so you can be sure to use only as much space as needed.

Also, many companies find that as they put more effort into composting, their number of necessary trash cans starts to decline, freeing up extra space.

Myth #3:

Composting Is Smelly

Myth: If we implement composting, our workplace will smell like rotting food.

Busted: Having the proper containers eliminates the problem of food waste odor. Moonshot uses special drums that hold in smells, and outdoor collection bins with airtight lids. When we come for waste collection, we bring you fresh containers every time.

Not only is the problem of compost containers smelling bad taken care of, your regular trash which is now mostly free of food waste will start to smell better too! It’s another example of how composting helps benefit your workplace.

Myth #4:

Composting Doesn’t Make a Significant Impact

Myth: Composting doesn’t make a difference in the environment. Afterall, it’s just food which will break down overtime, unlike other garbage such as plastic, so there’s no use in making the effort.

Busted: When food waste decomposes in a landfill it releases methane gas, a large contributor to the greenhouse gasses that are causing the dangerous amount of global climate change we are facing today. In fact, an estimated 58% of methane emissions from municipal solid waste landfills are caused by food waste in landfills. 

When businesses divert their food waste from landfills there is a noticeable reduction in methane emissions which in turn will positively impact your community.

large landfill site

Myth #5:

Composting Is Only for Restaurants

Myth: Restaurants are the only businesses that produce any real food waste, and therefore the only businesses that need composting.

Busted: Many different kinds of businesses generate food waste, including offices, hospitals, daycares, schools, universities, country clubs, hotels, assisted living centers, and many more.

The bottom line is: if you generate a significant amount of food waste, you are a good candidate for a composting program.

busy restaurant kitchen

Composting does not have to be complicated, and with a composting service like Moonshot it can be especially easy.

Is your business in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, or Waco? Learn how you can start composting with Moonshot Compost to reduce your ecological footprint, demonstrate your sustainability, and boost employee morale.

Composting Is Easy!