Commercial Composting FAQs

Moonshot Compost

  • The Moonshot office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

  • Because commercial service can be for anything from a small restaurant to a large hospital, we can’t offer a one-size-fits-all price for all businesses. We craft a custom solution for your business to meet your unique needs.

Composting - What and Where?

  • We serve commercial enterprises in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, and Waco and our territory is always expanding, so check back often to see if we’re in your area.

  • Our commercial customers include restaurants, offices, schools, hospitals, assisted living centers, daycares, food halls, and more.

  • You bet we can. Just email us at, and we’ll get you set up. Pricing and availability depend on your circumstances. In the past, we’ve collected from corporate events in office towers, modeling shoots in warehouses, and Earth Day events around town. We’ve even collected at a hotel for the athletes performing in Disney on Ice!

  • Meat, fruit, veggies, grains, and more are all acceptable. See the full list of compostables here.

  • All pre-consumer compostables are acceptable. In certain circumstances, we can take post-consumer waste, too. Contact us for details!


  • For our commercial service, we typically use 55-gallon drums, though container selection is part of our onboarding process.

  • Yes! We provide compostable bags as part of our service fee, which is a huge value!

  • We consult with you to determine the size of your desired composting program. We have the expertise and equipment to create a custom solution that meets your distinct needs.

  • We start you off with an extra drum. Because we measure everything we collect by drum, we’ll know when you need more drums before you do!

  • We kindly ask that you use the containers we provide you for the bin exchange.


  • As part of your onboarding, we consult with you to determine a pickup schedule that works for you. In most cases, we collect up to twice per week.

  • We start collecting before business hours through noon.

  • We plan our diversion schedule with you initially and are happy to help you change it as your needs dictate.

  • We typically don’t expect skips from our commercial subscribers, but we’re always open to hearing about needed changes.

  • Typically, we do not collect on New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, or Christmas Day. We clearly communicate with our subscribers by text about their rescheduled day during the holiday weeks.

  • Just let us know, we will replace the first lost or damaged bin for no charge.

  • Pests should not be able to get into the bins because of the airtight lid. Make sure the lid is securely closed when not in use.

  • Our 55-gallon drums hold smells in, so you will not experience odor. In fact, your landfill waste will begin to smell better!

  • We don’t like to collect extra compost. If you are expecting a larger load, just give us a call to see if we can make arrangements.


  • We take everything we collect to a compost facility, where the food waste is mixed with vegetative waste to become compost. Learn more about what happens to your food waste.

  • We know that “You can’t change what you can’t measure.” That’s why we weigh everything and share it with you. Our drivers weigh each container they collect as they collect it, and we track that weight in our proprietary data platform. The best part, you get to track it too on your personalized Diversion Dashboard. You’ll learn all about your diverted food waste and the carbon equivalencies. Learn more about the Diversion Dashboard and see what it looks like.

  • For our commercial subscribers, it’s available for a small additional monthly fee.

  • We welcome commercial referrals. And when your referral signs up, we include a discount in a future monthly invoice. Call us with questions!

Turn your food waste into compost, reduce your ecological footprint and showcase your ESG commitment with the help of Moonshot Compost. 

Learn more about our commercial composting services

Need more information? Don’t hesitate to email us at

To start a successful composting program that is tailored to the needs of your business, please request a quote.