Sustainability is our business.

Facilitating better stewardship of the planet is our business, but that’s not the whole story. We practice what we preach by proactively adopting practices that help us leave the earth better than we found it.

The Moonshot Mission

Composting is the quintessential sustainable activity, taking nutrients from the soil and cycling them right back into the soil to benefit new plants. 

From its inception, the mission of Moonshot has been to awaken people to this beautiful practice of composting by changing the way they view excess food–to see it not as trash, but as a valuable, renewable resource just waiting to be tapped.

Peer Inside The Mooniverse

Every new resident or business that signs up with Moonshot expands “the Mooniverse” and grows its positive impact. Click on any pin on the map below to see in real-time how much food waste each of our customers has diverted from landfills. As you can see, we’re making a huge difference!

Cultivating healthier gardens and communities.

We offer customers the opportunity to receive compost they’ve earned with their donations. We also sell compost, upon request. What can we say–we just love seeing this great, natural resource used in place of synthetic fertilizer!

However, as most of our customers don’t request to receive their earned compost, much of it is donated to community gardens. Over the last several years we’ve donated hundreds of pounds of compost to eight community gardens in the area.

These gardens are special for so many reasons: they bring residents together, boost the local economy, improve air quality, help ease food insecurity, and create a beautiful space in which everyone can take pride.

Conservation at our offices and on the road.

At our Houston headquarters, we’re walking the walk by recycling at our offices and using 100% renewable electricity.

We use an electric E-transit vehicle for making our residential collections in Houston. We also use route optimization software throughout our fleet to ensure each collection involves the fewest number of miles on the road as possible.

We use only compostable bags.

Think we overlooked the food waste containers? Think again! The only bags we use and accept are BPI certified compostable, meaning there’s nothing that ends up in the landfill.

See & share your own sustainability.

At Moonshot, we believe you can’t change what you can’t measure. That’s why we provide you with your exact food waste diversion stats that you can access from the palm of your hand.

We call it the Diversion Dashboard, and in our humble opinion it transforms expectations for what a waste hauler can and should be.

Helping you put the right food in the right place.

We want your Moonshot participation to be easy to sustain, too, which is why we make it as easy as possible to remember what goes where.

You can also download and print the list any time.

Past and Present Moonshot Partnerships /Sponsorships